Friday, November 15, 2013

Tadpole Wonders

At the end of the day today, we started to read a book about tadpoles. In Science, we continue to talk about animals, habitats and cycles of life. We are working to identify the life cycle of a tadpole. Tadpoles become frogs or toads.  During our story we learned that when a tadpole hatches from an egg, they look like a fish. They have a tail and no legs. We started to does a tadpole get their feet? 

RC suggested we check on Google to find our answer. We can go to and search "Tadpoles for kids" and then we will see how tadpoles get legs! This is exactly what we learned about all week long during our digital citizenship lessons! 

Our homework for this weekend will be to find out how tadpoles get their feet! Please bring in your proof on Monday. You can bring in a book, or a printed answer from the internet. 

Can't wait to see the replies!

PS...don't forget to watch our Digital Citizenship iMove:

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