Capturing evidence of student voice is a goal for our class this year. We are trying many strategies and ensuring that each day students in our class get to share their thinking or ideas in a variety of ways.

Each day that we do our literacy centers, students get an opportunity to share what they've learned. This is an opportunity for students to read or demonstrate a new strategy that they want to share with the class. The 2 girls worked at the word wall center today. They were using the magnet letters to make some of our word wall words directly on the Word Wall board. What a great idea. They were excited to share it with the class. Way to go girls!
Also in our literacy centers, we are working on a new reading program on the Chromebooks called Literably. Students log into our class Literably account and can practice assessing their own reading fluency by recording themselves reading the stories. After reading, they look at a checklist and assess what they want to work on next. Students are really enjoying this new reading program. Ask your child how they use Literably to listen and assess their reading!

Finally in Math, we are working on 2D shapes. Today we talked about the various features of different shapes like their sides, their lines and their corners. Today we learned that corners is another word for vertices. We also tweeted some new learning.
Another way we are capturing student voice in our classroom is through Twitter. Students are excited about using Twitter to share our learning and thinking. After our math lesson today, we talked about what we learned. We used Twitter to share our new learning about 2D shapes. Have a read at what we tweeted today: