My name is Maria Ciampa and I have spent all of my life here in the city. I completed my undergraduate degree at Carleton University in Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. I have my Early Childhood Education degree from Algonquin College and my Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Ottawa.
When I am not busy teaching, I have passion for cooking many italian dishes including pasta, pizza and a variety of soups. I enjoy watching many sporting events such as soccer, tennis and hockey. I have just started an interest in doing Yoga and love spending time with my family and friends. I have a passion for learning about how to mindfully implement technology into my classroom. I am excited to get to share my learning with my students and am enjoying watching them grow into technology experts!
I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach many of your children for the 2nd time this well as some other familiar faces. I look forward to growing and learning in Grade 3 with all of the students during this 2014-2015 academic year.
We will continue sharing our learning, our wonders and our expertise online this year via this Blog and our class Twitter page @MrsCiampaClass! The Blog and Twitter permission form will be in your child's agenda on the first day of school. Please read and sign as soon as possible so students can get started on their journey.
There are many important notes in your child's agenda that should be read and signed as soon as possible. Class Newsletters, School Newsletters, verification forms, agenda payment information, etc. Please return them to school in a timely manner. September Scholastic order forms will be distributed during the first week as well. If you have any kleenex boxes, ziploc bags or headphones to donate to our classroom, please send them to school with your child. Many thanks in advance!
This year in Grade 3 students will prepare for EQAO! We will work on practice questions throughout the year to get ready. Students will be encouraged to continue using their agenda to keep organized and to demonstrate their responsibility by completing homework on a nightly basis. Homework books will be sent home soon.
Last year many of the students achieved expertise in a number of online tools (e.g. Twitter, Literably, etc) and iPad apps (e.g. AudioBoo, QR Codes, etc). This year students will continue to mindfully use technology within their Literacy Centers as well as in other parts of our learning day. We hope to use our expertise to teach more students how to use the apps and potentially become school-based experts as well!
I hope that you visit this Blog often to view our learning journey. Information on student blogs will be sent home in the coming weeks. You will have the opportunity to visit our classroom with your child during our school's Open House BBQ taking place on Thursday September 11th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. I have a special class magnet that I can give you upon meeting you in our room! It will be wonderful to meet you or to see you again.
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Ciampa
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