Friday, April 10, 2015

Narrative Writing

Our newest writing focus has turned to Narrative Writing. We were going to focus on Persuasive writing but we had to change things. During our Literacy Centers, a very popular activity the students enjoy is writing their own books. As a result, we decided to focus on writing our own narrative stories.

A few weeks ago, we got the chance to work with Mme. Erskine's grade 4 class. We shared our writing and created a Padlet to teach one another about our writing. Our class taught the grade 4's about Procedural Writing and they taught us about Narrative writing. To recall what narrative's must have, we read a narrative story and then looked at our shared Padlet again. The Padlet helped us to make our own checklist. Have a look at our checklist and our Padlet from before. We are lucky to have had that sharing session. It gave us a good opportunity to learn about how to write narratives before writing them ourselves.
The neat thing about focusing on narrative writing is that students are so excited to write their own stories. They are referencing our must have list to add important narrative details such as quotation marks, describing words and more! Next week students will be using their brainstorm ideas to help them write a rough draft of a story. We will then make a good copy to publish our stories. Students will be able to choose how they make their good copies (on an app, on KidBlog, etc).

Check out our KidBlog accounts. Students are writing their very own narrative stories. It is very exciting to see that students are remembering how to write a narrative and including the Must-Have's. Please add comments to our narrative stories by following the links below!

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