Wednesday, April 02, 2014

New Reading Strategy: Inferring

This week we focused on a new reading strategy called Inferring. We we infer, we use what we already know + what is in the book to help us understand what we are reading. We use our background knowledge + clues from the pictures or the text to help us figure out what the author is saying in between the lines.

This week we used the story Stellaluna to introduce us to the concept of inferring. We pair-shared some ideas while reading the story.

Students also wrote a reading response to the following question: What do you infer (think) might happen to Stellaluna if Mother Bat never found her. Students had to come up with their own opinion and explain WHY. When we explain our thinking, we are adding more details. We wrote about it and tweeted about it too. Have a read at our tweets below. Ask your child more about the lovely story Stellaluna!

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